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Planirani radovi na shared hosting serverima


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Danas cemo imati planirane radove na nadogradnji kernel-a na nasim shared web hosting serverima .Tokom radova svi shared hosting sajtovi ce biti nedostupni. Predvidjeno vreme za trajanje radova je 90 minuta. Takodje nece biti dostupni control paneli za logovanje u vps panel kao i u audfio streaming panel tokom izvodjenja ovih radova ali vps i streaming serveri ce raditi bez prekida.

Srdacan pozdrav


ZAVRSENO ZA 15 minuta


English language


Today we have planned works to upgrade the kernel on our shared web hosting servers. During the works, all shared hosting sites will be inaccessible. Estimated time for the duration of works is 90 minutes. Also will not be available control panels for logging in VPS panel and in streaming audfio panel during the performance of these works but the VPS and streaming servers will operate without break.

Best regards



FINISHED FOR 15minutes


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