[English version below]
Verzija na Srpskom
Veceras posle ponoci ce doci do prekida u radu servera ServerIN 2,Tehnicari u data centru ce izvrsite testiranje hardverskih delova servera i ukoliko ne bude nikakvih problem server ce biti online vrlo brzo a ukoliko neki hardverski deo ima problem bice odmah zamenjen.Ocekivano vreme prekida je 1 cas a maksimalno 8 casova.
21:25 PM
Dodato: Tehnicari u data centru ce izvrsiti vizuelnu kontrolu harwarea na nasem drugom shared hosting serveru i to ce potrajati nekih 15 - 20 minuta za to vreme server nece biti dostupan a ukoliko ovaj vizuelni pregled ne pomogne tehnicari ce uraditi full hardware test veceras posle ponovi kao po ranijem dogovoru.
11:27 AM
Server je vracen u funkciju,provera hardwerskih komponenti je trajala nesto duze od ocekivanog.Zamenjeni su mrezni kablovi i kablovi koji povezuju komponente unutar kucista servera.
English version
Tonight after midnight, there will be disruptions ServerIN 2 servers, data center technicians will execute the test server hardware components and if it does not have any problem server will be online very soon and if some one has a hardware problem will be immediately replaced. Expectancy during the interruption 1 hour and up to 8 hours.
21:25 PM
Added: technicians in the data center will perform visual inspection on our harwarea other shared hosting server and it will take about 15 - 20 minutes during which time the server will not be available and if this visual inspection does not help technicians will do full hardware test tonight after midnight as under the previous agreement
11:27 AM
The server is returned to the function, checking hardware components took longer than expected. Replaced the network cables and cables that connect components in the Case server.